QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (ebb4087afc0)
This is the complete list of members for QgsVariantUtils, including all inherited members.
createNullVariant(QMetaType::Type metaType) | QgsVariantUtils | static |
isNull(const QVariant &variant, bool silenceNullWarnings=false) | QgsVariantUtils | static |
isNumericType(QMetaType::Type metaType) | QgsVariantUtils | static |
metaTypeToVariantType(QMetaType::Type metaType) | QgsVariantUtils | static |
typeToDisplayString(QMetaType::Type type, QMetaType::Type subType=QMetaType::Type::UnknownType) | QgsVariantUtils | static |
typeToDisplayString(QVariant::Type type, QVariant::Type subType=QVariant::Type::Invalid) | QgsVariantUtils | static |
variantTypeToMetaType(QVariant::Type variantType) | QgsVariantUtils | static |