QGIS API Documentation 3.41.0-Master (d2aaa9c6e02)
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QgsAuthManager Class Reference

Singleton offering an interface to manage the authentication configuration database and to utilize configurations through various authentication method plugins. More...

#include <qgsauthmanager.h>

Inheritance diagram for QgsAuthManager:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  MessageLevel { INFO = 0 , WARNING = 1 , CRITICAL = 2 }
 Message log level (mirrors that of QgsMessageLog, so it can also output there) More...

Public Slots

void clearAllCachedConfigs ()
 Clear all authentication configs from authentication method caches.
void clearCachedConfig (const QString &authcfg)
 Clear an authentication config from its associated authentication method cache.


void authDatabaseChanged ()
 Emitted when the authentication db is significantly changed, e.g. large record removal, erased, etc.
void authDatabaseEraseRequested ()
 Emitted when a user has indicated they may want to erase the authentication db.
void masterPasswordVerified (bool verified)
 Emitted when a password has been verify (or not)
void messageLog (const QString &message, const QString &tag=QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG, Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Info) const
 Custom logging signal to relay to console output and QgsMessageLog.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void messageOut (const QString &message, const QString &tag=QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG, QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel level=QgsAuthManager::INFO) const
 Custom logging signal to relay to console output and QgsMessageLog.
void passwordHelperFailure ()
 Signals emitted on password helper failure, mainly used in the tests to exit main application loop.
void passwordHelperMessageLog (const QString &message, const QString &tag=QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG, Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Info)
 Custom logging signal to inform the user about master password <-> password manager interactions.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void passwordHelperMessageOut (const QString &message, const QString &tag=QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG, QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel level=QgsAuthManager::INFO)
 Custom logging signal to inform the user about master password <-> password manager interactions.
void passwordHelperSuccess ()
 Signals emitted on password helper success, mainly used in the tests to exit main application loop.

Public Member Functions

 ~QgsAuthManager () override
QgsAuthConfigurationStorageRegistryauthConfigurationStorageRegistry () const
 Returns the authentication configuration storage registry.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const QString authDatabaseConfigTable () const
 Name of the authentication database table that stores configs.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QSqlDatabase authDatabaseConnection () const
 Sets up the application instance of the authentication database connection.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const QString authDatabaseServersTable () const
 Name of the authentication database table that stores server exceptions/configs.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const QString authenticationDatabasePath () const
 The standard authentication database file in ~/.qgis3/ or defined location.
const QString authenticationDatabaseUri () const
 Returns the authentication database connection URI.
const QString authenticationDatabaseUriStripped () const
 Returns the authentication database connection URI with the password stripped.
QString authManTag () const
 Simple text tag describing authentication system for message logs.
QgsAuthMethodauthMethod (const QString &authMethodKey)
 Gets authentication method from the config/provider cache via its key.
const QgsAuthMethodMetadataauthMethodMetadata (const QString &authMethodKey)
 Gets authentication method metadata via its key.
QStringList authMethodsKeys (const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Gets keys of supported authentication methods.
QgsAuthMethodsMap authMethodsMap (const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Gets available authentication methods mapped to their key.
QVariant authSetting (const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), bool decrypt=false)
 authSetting get an authentication setting (retrieved as string and returned as QVariant( QString ))
QgsAuthMethodConfigsMap availableAuthMethodConfigs (const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Gets mapping of authentication config ids and their base configs (not decrypted data)
bool backupAuthenticationDatabase (QString *backuppath=nullptr)
 Close connection to current authentication database and back it up.
const QMap< QString, QPair< QgsAuthCertUtils::CaCertSource, QSslCertificate > > caCertsCache ()
 caCertsCache get all CA certs mapped to their sha1 from cache.
const QSslCertificate certAuthority (const QString &id)
 Gets a certificate authority by id (sha hash)
const QList< QSslCertificate > certIdentities ()
 certIdentities get certificate identities
const QSslCertificate certIdentity (const QString &id)
 certIdentity get a certificate identity by id (sha hash)
const QPair< QSslCertificate, QSslKey > certIdentityBundle (const QString &id)
 Gets a certificate identity bundle by id (sha hash).
const QStringList certIdentityBundleToPem (const QString &id)
 certIdentityBundleToPem get a certificate identity bundle by id (sha hash) returned as PEM text
QStringList certIdentityIds () const
 certIdentityIds get list of certificate identity ids from database
QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy certificateTrustPolicy (const QSslCertificate &cert)
 certificateTrustPolicy get trust policy for a particular certificate cert
const QMap< QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy, QStringList > certTrustCache ()
 certTrustCache get cache of certificate sha1s, per trust policy
QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy certTrustPolicy (const QSslCertificate &cert)
 certTrustPolicy get whether certificate cert is trusted by user
void clearMasterPassword ()
 Clear supplied master password.
QgsAuthMethodconfigAuthMethod (const QString &authcfg)
 Gets authentication method from the config/provider cache.
QString configAuthMethodKey (const QString &authcfg) const
 Gets key of authentication method associated with config ID.
QString configIdRegex () const
 Returns the regular expression for authcfg=.{7} key/value token for authentication ids.
QStringList configIds () const
 Gets list of authentication ids from database.
bool configIdUnique (const QString &id) const
 Verify if provided authentication id is unique.
const QList< QSslCertificate > databaseCAs ()
 databaseCAs get database-stored certificate authorities
QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy defaultCertTrustPolicy ()
 Gets the default certificate trust policy preferred by user.
QgsAuthConfigurationStorageDbdefaultDbStorage () const
 Transitional proxy to the first ready storage of database type.
const QString disabledMessage () const
 Standard message for when QCA's qca-ossl plugin is missing and system is disabled.
void dumpIgnoredSslErrorsCache_ ()
 Utility function to dump the cache for debug purposes.
bool ensureInitialized () const
 Performs lazy initialization of the authentication framework, if it has not already been done.
bool eraseAuthenticationDatabase (bool backup, QString *backuppath=nullptr)
 Erase all rows from all tables in authentication database.
bool existsAuthSetting (const QString &key)
 Check if an authentication setting exists.
bool existsCertAuthority (const QSslCertificate &cert)
 Check if a certificate authority exists.
bool existsCertIdentity (const QString &id)
 Check if a certificate identity exists.
bool existsSslCertCustomConfig (const QString &id, const QString &hostport)
 Check if SSL certificate custom config exists.
bool exportAuthenticationConfigsToXml (const QString &filename, const QStringList &authcfgs, const QString &password=QString())
 Export authentication configurations to an XML file.
const QList< QSslCertificate > extraFileCAs ()
 extraFileCAs extra file-based certificate authorities
QHash< QString, QSet< QSslError::SslError > > ignoredSslErrorCache ()
 ignoredSslErrorCache Get ignored SSL error cache, keyed with cert/connection's sha:host:port.
bool importAuthenticationConfigsFromXml (const QString &filename, const QString &password=QString(), bool overwrite=false)
 Import authentication configurations from an XML file.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED bool init (const QString &pluginPath=QString(), const QString &authDatabasePath=QString())
 init initialize QCA, prioritize qca-ossl plugin and optionally set up the authentication database
bool initSslCaches ()
 Initialize various SSL authentication caches.
bool isDisabled () const
 Whether QCA has the qca-ossl plugin, which a base run-time requirement.
bool loadAuthenticationConfig (const QString &authcfg, QgsAuthMethodConfig &mconfig, bool full=false)
 Load an authentication config from the database into subclass.
const QMap< QString, QSslCertificate > mappedDatabaseCAs ()
 mappedDatabaseCAs get sha1-mapped database-stored certificate authorities
bool masterPasswordHashInDatabase () const
 Verify a password hash existing in authentication database.
bool masterPasswordIsSet () const
 Whether master password has be input and verified, i.e. authentication database is accessible.
bool masterPasswordSame (const QString &password) const
 Check whether supplied password is the same as the one already set.
const QString methodConfigTableName () const
 Returns the database table from the first ready storage that stores authentication configs, or an empty string if none available.
bool passwordHelperDelete ()
 Delete master password from wallet.
const QString passwordHelperErrorMessage ()
 Error message getter.
bool passwordHelperSync ()
 Store the password manager into the wallet.
bool rebuildCaCertsCache ()
 Rebuild certificate authority cache.
bool rebuildCertTrustCache ()
 Rebuild certificate authority cache.
bool rebuildIgnoredSslErrorCache ()
 Rebuild ignoredSSL error cache.
bool rebuildTrustedCaCertsCache ()
 Rebuild trusted certificate authorities cache.
bool registerCoreAuthMethods ()
 Instantiate and register existing C++ core authentication methods from plugins.
bool removeAllAuthenticationConfigs ()
 Clear all authentication configs from table in database and from provider caches.
bool removeAuthenticationConfig (const QString &authcfg)
 Remove an authentication config in the database.
bool removeAuthSetting (const QString &key)
 Remove an authentication setting.
bool removeCertAuthority (const QSslCertificate &cert)
 Remove a certificate authority.
bool removeCertIdentity (const QString &id)
 Remove a certificate identity.
bool removeCertTrustPolicies (const QList< QSslCertificate > &certs)
 Remove a group certificate authorities.
bool removeCertTrustPolicy (const QSslCertificate &cert)
 Remove a certificate authority.
bool removeSslCertCustomConfig (const QString &id, const QString &hostport)
 Remove an SSL certificate custom config.
bool resetMasterPassword (const QString &newpass, const QString &oldpass, bool keepbackup, QString *backuppath=nullptr)
 Reset the master password to a new one, then re-encrypt all previous configs in a new database file, optionally backup current database.
bool scheduledAuthDatabaseErase ()
 Whether there is a scheduled opitonal erase of authentication database.
bool setDefaultCertTrustPolicy (QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy policy)
 Sets the default certificate trust policy preferred by user.
bool setMasterPassword (bool verify=false)
 Main call to initially set or continually check master password is set.
bool setMasterPassword (const QString &password, bool verify=false)
 Overloaded call to reset master password or set it initially without user interaction.
void setPasswordHelperEnabled (bool enabled)
 Password helper enabled setter.
void setScheduledAuthDatabaseErase (bool scheduleErase)
 Schedule an optional erase of authentication database, starting when mutex is lockable.
void setScheduledAuthDatabaseEraseRequestEmitted (bool emitted)
 Re-emit a signal to schedule an optional erase of authentication database.
void setup (const QString &pluginPath=QString(), const QString &authDatabasePath=QString())
 Sets up the authentication manager configuration.
const QgsAuthConfigSslServer sslCertCustomConfig (const QString &id, const QString &hostport)
 sslCertCustomConfig get an SSL certificate custom config by id (sha hash) and hostport (host:port)
const QgsAuthConfigSslServer sslCertCustomConfigByHost (const QString &hostport)
 sslCertCustomConfigByHost get an SSL certificate custom config by hostport (host:port)
const QList< QgsAuthConfigSslServersslCertCustomConfigs ()
 sslCertCustomConfigs get SSL certificate custom configs
bool storeAuthenticationConfig (QgsAuthMethodConfig &mconfig, bool overwrite=false)
 Store an authentication config in the database.
bool storeAuthSetting (const QString &key, const QVariant &value, bool encrypt=false)
 Store an authentication setting (stored as string via QVariant( value ).toString() )
bool storeCertAuthorities (const QList< QSslCertificate > &certs)
 Store multiple certificate authorities.
bool storeCertAuthority (const QSslCertificate &cert)
 Store a certificate authority.
bool storeCertIdentity (const QSslCertificate &cert, const QSslKey &key)
 Store a certificate identity.
bool storeCertTrustPolicy (const QSslCertificate &cert, QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy policy)
 Store user trust value for a certificate.
bool storeSslCertCustomConfig (const QgsAuthConfigSslServer &config)
 Store an SSL certificate custom config.
QgsAuthMethod::Expansions supportedAuthMethodExpansions (const QString &authcfg)
 Gets supported authentication method expansion(s), e.g.
const QList< QSslCertificate > trustedCaCerts (bool includeinvalid=false)
 trustedCaCerts get list of all trusted CA certificates
const QList< QSslCertificate > trustedCaCertsCache ()
 trustedCaCertsCache cache of trusted certificate authorities, ready for network connections
const QByteArray trustedCaCertsPemText ()
 trustedCaCertsPemText get concatenated string of all trusted CA certificates
const QString uniqueConfigId () const
 Gets a unique generated 7-character string to assign to as config id.
const QList< QSslCertificate > untrustedCaCerts (QList< QSslCertificate > trustedCAs=QList< QSslCertificate >())
 untrustedCaCerts get list of untrusted certificate authorities
bool updateAuthenticationConfig (const QgsAuthMethodConfig &config)
 Update an authentication config in the database.
void updateConfigAuthMethods ()
 Sync the confg/authentication method cache with what is in database.
bool updateDataSourceUriItems (QStringList &connectionItems, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Provider call to update a QgsDataSourceUri with an authentication config.
bool updateIgnoredSslErrorsCache (const QString &shahostport, const QList< QSslError > &errors)
 Update ignored SSL error cache with possible ignored SSL errors, using sha:host:port key.
bool updateIgnoredSslErrorsCacheFromConfig (const QgsAuthConfigSslServer &config)
 Update ignored SSL error cache with possible ignored SSL errors, using server config.
bool updateNetworkProxy (QNetworkProxy &proxy, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Provider call to update a QNetworkProxy with an authentication config.
bool updateNetworkReply (QNetworkReply *reply, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Provider call to update a QNetworkReply with an authentication config (used to skip known SSL errors, etc.)
bool updateNetworkRequest (QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &authcfg, const QString &dataprovider=QString())
 Provider call to update a QNetworkRequest with an authentication config.
bool verifyMasterPassword (const QString &compare=QString())
 Verify the supplied master password against any existing hash in authentication database.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool hasConfigId (const QString &txt)
 Returns whether a string includes an authcfg ID token.
static bool isFilesystemBasedDatabase (const QString &uri)
 Returns the true if the uri is a filesystem-based database (SQLite).
static bool passwordHelperEnabled ()
 Password helper enabled getter.
static bool passwordHelperLoggingEnabled ()
 Password helper logging enabled getter.
static void setPasswordHelperLoggingEnabled (bool enabled)
 Password helper logging enabled setter.
static const QList< QSslCertificate > systemRootCAs ()
 systemRootCAs get root system certificate authorities

Static Public Attributes

static const QString AUTH_MAN_TAG = QObject::tr( "Authentication Manager" )
 The display name of the Authentication Manager.
 The display name of the password helper (platform dependent)

Protected Member Functions

 QgsAuthManager ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static QgsAuthManagerinstance ()
 Enforce singleton pattern.


class QgsApplication

Detailed Description

Singleton offering an interface to manage the authentication configuration database and to utilize configurations through various authentication method plugins.

QgsAuthManager should not usually be directly created, but rather accessed through QgsApplication::authManager().

Definition at line 70 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ MessageLevel

Message log level (mirrors that of QgsMessageLog, so it can also output there)


Definition at line 77 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~QgsAuthManager()

QgsAuthManager::~QgsAuthManager ( )

Definition at line 3174 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ QgsAuthManager()

QgsAuthManager::QgsAuthManager ( )

Definition at line 96 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ authConfigurationStorageRegistry()

QgsAuthConfigurationStorageRegistry * QgsAuthManager::authConfigurationStorageRegistry ( ) const

Returns the authentication configuration storage registry.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 3206 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authDatabaseChanged

void QgsAuthManager::authDatabaseChanged ( )

Emitted when the authentication db is significantly changed, e.g. large record removal, erased, etc.

◆ authDatabaseConfigTable()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const QString QgsAuthManager::authDatabaseConfigTable ( ) const

Name of the authentication database table that stores configs.

QGIS 3.40. Direct access to the DB is not allowed, use methodConfigTableName() instead.

Definition at line 136 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ authDatabaseConnection()

QSqlDatabase QgsAuthManager::authDatabaseConnection ( ) const

Sets up the application instance of the authentication database connection.

QGIS 3.40. Direct access to the DB is not allowed, use QgsAuthConfigurationStorage API instead.

Definition at line 104 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authDatabaseEraseRequested

void QgsAuthManager::authDatabaseEraseRequested ( )

Emitted when a user has indicated they may want to erase the authentication db.

◆ authDatabaseServersTable()

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED const QString QgsAuthManager::authDatabaseServersTable ( ) const

Name of the authentication database table that stores server exceptions/configs.

QGIS 3.40. Direct access to the DB is not allowed, use QgsAuthConfigurationStorage API instead.

Definition at line 149 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ authenticationDatabasePath()

const QString QgsAuthManager::authenticationDatabasePath ( ) const

The standard authentication database file in ~/.qgis3/ or defined location.

See also
QGIS 3.40. Use authenticationDatabaseUri() instead.

Definition at line 423 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authenticationDatabaseUri()

const QString QgsAuthManager::authenticationDatabaseUri ( ) const

Returns the authentication database connection URI.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 165 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authenticationDatabaseUriStripped()

const QString QgsAuthManager::authenticationDatabaseUriStripped ( ) const

Returns the authentication database connection URI with the password stripped.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 170 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authManTag()

QString QgsAuthManager::authManTag ( ) const

Simple text tag describing authentication system for message logs.

Definition at line 270 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ authMethod()

QgsAuthMethod * QgsAuthManager::authMethod ( const QString &  authMethodKey)

Gets authentication method from the config/provider cache via its key.

authMethodKeyAuthentication method key

Definition at line 963 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authMethodMetadata()

const QgsAuthMethodMetadata * QgsAuthManager::authMethodMetadata ( const QString &  authMethodKey)

Gets authentication method metadata via its key.

authMethodKeyAuthentication method key
QGIS 3.22

Definition at line 976 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authMethodsKeys()

QStringList QgsAuthManager::authMethodsKeys ( const QString &  dataprovider = QString())

Gets keys of supported authentication methods.

Definition at line 956 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authMethodsMap()

QgsAuthMethodsMap QgsAuthManager::authMethodsMap ( const QString &  dataprovider = QString())

Gets available authentication methods mapped to their key.

dataproviderProvider key filter, returning only methods that support a particular provider
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 990 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ authSetting()

QVariant QgsAuthManager::authSetting ( const QString &  key,
const QVariant &  defaultValue = QVariant(),
bool  decrypt = false 

authSetting get an authentication setting (retrieved as string and returned as QVariant( QString ))

keysetting key
decryptif the value needs decrypted
QVariant( QString ) authentication setting

Definition at line 1704 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ availableAuthMethodConfigs()

QgsAuthMethodConfigsMap QgsAuthManager::availableAuthMethodConfigs ( const QString &  dataprovider = QString())

Gets mapping of authentication config ids and their base configs (not decrypted data)

Definition at line 851 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ backupAuthenticationDatabase()

bool QgsAuthManager::backupAuthenticationDatabase ( QString *  backuppath = nullptr)

Close connection to current authentication database and back it up.

Path to backup

Definition at line 1450 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ caCertsCache()

const QMap< QString, QPair< QgsAuthCertUtils::CaCertSource, QSslCertificate > > QgsAuthManager::caCertsCache ( )

caCertsCache get all CA certs mapped to their sha1 from cache.

map of sha1 <source, certificates>
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 641 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ certAuthority()

const QSslCertificate QgsAuthManager::certAuthority ( const QString &  id)

Gets a certificate authority by id (sha hash)

certAuthority get a certificate authority by id (sha hash)

idsha hash
a certificate

Definition at line 2547 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certIdentities()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::certIdentities ( )

certIdentities get certificate identities

list of certificates

Definition at line 1966 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certIdentity()

const QSslCertificate QgsAuthManager::certIdentity ( const QString &  id)

certIdentity get a certificate identity by id (sha hash)

idsha hash of the cert
the certificate

Definition at line 1876 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certIdentityBundle()

const QPair< QSslCertificate, QSslKey > QgsAuthManager::certIdentityBundle ( const QString &  id)

Gets a certificate identity bundle by id (sha hash).

idsha shash
a pair with the certificate and its SSL key
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 1907 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certIdentityBundleToPem()

const QStringList QgsAuthManager::certIdentityBundleToPem ( const QString &  id)

certIdentityBundleToPem get a certificate identity bundle by id (sha hash) returned as PEM text

idsha hash
a list of strings

Definition at line 1953 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certIdentityIds()

QStringList QgsAuthManager::certIdentityIds ( ) const

certIdentityIds get list of certificate identity ids from database

list of certificate ids

Definition at line 2001 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certificateTrustPolicy()

QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy QgsAuthManager::certificateTrustPolicy ( const QSslCertificate &  cert)

certificateTrustPolicy get trust policy for a particular certificate cert

DefaultTrust if certificate sha not in trust table, i.e. follows default trust policy

Definition at line 2879 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ certTrustCache()

const QMap< QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy, QStringList > QgsAuthManager::certTrustCache ( )

certTrustCache get cache of certificate sha1s, per trust policy

trust-policy-mapped certificate sha1s

Definition at line 682 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ certTrustPolicy()

QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy QgsAuthManager::certTrustPolicy ( const QSslCertificate &  cert)

certTrustPolicy get whether certificate cert is trusted by user

DefaultTrust if certificate sha not in trust table, i.e. follows default trust policy

Definition at line 2788 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ clearAllCachedConfigs

void QgsAuthManager::clearAllCachedConfigs ( )

Clear all authentication configs from authentication method caches.

Definition at line 3082 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ clearCachedConfig

void QgsAuthManager::clearCachedConfig ( const QString &  authcfg)

Clear an authentication config from its associated authentication method cache.

Definition at line 3096 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ clearMasterPassword()

void QgsAuthManager::clearMasterPassword ( )

Clear supplied master password.

This will not necessarily clear authenticated connections cached in network connection managers

Definition at line 221 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ configAuthMethod()

QgsAuthMethod * QgsAuthManager::configAuthMethod ( const QString &  authcfg)

Gets authentication method from the config/provider cache.

authcfgAuthentication config id

Definition at line 927 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ configAuthMethodKey()

QString QgsAuthManager::configAuthMethodKey ( const QString &  authcfg) const

Gets key of authentication method associated with config ID.


Definition at line 945 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ configIdRegex()

QString QgsAuthManager::configIdRegex ( ) const

Returns the regular expression for authcfg=.{7} key/value token for authentication ids.

Definition at line 352 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ configIds()

QStringList QgsAuthManager::configIds ( ) const

Gets list of authentication ids from database.

Definition at line 3650 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ configIdUnique()

bool QgsAuthManager::configIdUnique ( const QString &  id) const

Verify if provided authentication id is unique.

idId to check

Definition at line 827 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ databaseCAs()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::databaseCAs ( )

databaseCAs get database-stored certificate authorities

list of certificate authorities

Definition at line 2694 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ defaultCertTrustPolicy()

QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy QgsAuthManager::defaultCertTrustPolicy ( )

Gets the default certificate trust policy preferred by user.

Definition at line 2917 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ defaultDbStorage()

QgsAuthConfigurationStorageDb * QgsAuthManager::defaultDbStorage ( ) const

Transitional proxy to the first ready storage of database type.

Exposes the old SQLite local API from the new storage API.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 4024 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ disabledMessage()

const QString QgsAuthManager::disabledMessage ( ) const

Standard message for when QCA's qca-ossl plugin is missing and system is disabled.

Definition at line 394 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ dumpIgnoredSslErrorsCache_()

void QgsAuthManager::dumpIgnoredSslErrorsCache_ ( )

Utility function to dump the cache for debug purposes.

Definition at line 2330 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ ensureInitialized()

bool QgsAuthManager::ensureInitialized ( ) const

Performs lazy initialization of the authentication framework, if it has not already been done.

See also
QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 184 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ eraseAuthenticationDatabase()

bool QgsAuthManager::eraseAuthenticationDatabase ( bool  backup,
QString *  backuppath = nullptr 

Erase all rows from all tables in authentication database.

backupWhether to backup of current database
backuppathWhere the backup is locate
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1499 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ existsAuthSetting()

bool QgsAuthManager::existsAuthSetting ( const QString &  key)

Check if an authentication setting exists.

Definition at line 1742 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ existsCertAuthority()

bool QgsAuthManager::existsCertAuthority ( const QSslCertificate &  cert)

Check if a certificate authority exists.

Definition at line 2578 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ existsCertIdentity()

bool QgsAuthManager::existsCertIdentity ( const QString &  id)

Check if a certificate identity exists.

Definition at line 2035 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ existsSslCertCustomConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::existsSslCertCustomConfig ( const QString &  id,
const QString &  hostport 

Check if SSL certificate custom config exists.

Definition at line 2257 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ exportAuthenticationConfigsToXml()

bool QgsAuthManager::exportAuthenticationConfigsToXml ( const QString &  filename,
const QStringList &  authcfgs,
const QString &  password = QString() 

Export authentication configurations to an XML file.

filenameThe file path to save the XML content to
authcfgsThe list of configuration IDs to export
passwordA password string to encrypt the XML content
QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 1305 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ extraFileCAs()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::extraFileCAs ( )

extraFileCAs extra file-based certificate authorities

list of certificate authorities

Definition at line 2655 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ hasConfigId()

bool QgsAuthManager::hasConfigId ( const QString &  txt)

Returns whether a string includes an authcfg ID token.

txtString to check

Definition at line 845 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ ignoredSslErrorCache()

QHash< QString, QSet< QSslError::SslError > > QgsAuthManager::ignoredSslErrorCache ( )

ignoredSslErrorCache Get ignored SSL error cache, keyed with cert/connection's sha:host:port.

hash keyed with cert/connection's sha:host:port.
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 576 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ importAuthenticationConfigsFromXml()

bool QgsAuthManager::importAuthenticationConfigsFromXml ( const QString &  filename,
const QString &  password = QString(),
bool  overwrite = false 

Import authentication configurations from an XML file.

filenameThe file path from which the XML content will be read
passwordA password string to decrypt the XML content
overwriteIf set to true, pre-existing authentication configurations will be overwritten
QGIS 3.20

Definition at line 1366 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ init()

bool QgsAuthManager::init ( const QString &  pluginPath = QString(),
const QString &  authDatabasePath = QString() 

init initialize QCA, prioritize qca-ossl plugin and optionally set up the authentication database

pluginPaththe plugin path
authDatabasePaththe authentication DB path
true on success
See also
QGIS 3.36. Use setup() or ensureInitialized() instead.

Definition at line 178 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ initSslCaches()

bool QgsAuthManager::initSslCaches ( )

Initialize various SSL authentication caches.

Definition at line 1812 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ instance()

QgsAuthManager * QgsAuthManager::instance ( )

Enforce singleton pattern.

To set up the manager instance and initialize everything use QgsAuthManager::instance()->init()

Definition at line 84 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ isDisabled()

bool QgsAuthManager::isDisabled ( ) const

Whether QCA has the qca-ossl plugin, which a base run-time requirement.

Definition at line 383 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ isFilesystemBasedDatabase()

bool QgsAuthManager::isFilesystemBasedDatabase ( const QString &  uri)

Returns the true if the uri is a filesystem-based database (SQLite).

Definition at line 150 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ loadAuthenticationConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::loadAuthenticationConfig ( const QString &  authcfg,
QgsAuthMethodConfig mconfig,
bool  full = false 

Load an authentication config from the database into subclass.

authcfgAssociated authentication config id
mconfigSubclassed config to load into
fullWhether to decrypt and populate all sensitive data in subclass
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1193 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ mappedDatabaseCAs()

const QMap< QString, QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::mappedDatabaseCAs ( )

mappedDatabaseCAs get sha1-mapped database-stored certificate authorities

sha1-mapped certificate authorities

Definition at line 2730 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ masterPasswordHashInDatabase()

bool QgsAuthManager::masterPasswordHashInDatabase ( ) const

Verify a password hash existing in authentication database.

Definition at line 3502 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ masterPasswordIsSet()

bool QgsAuthManager::masterPasswordIsSet ( ) const

Whether master password has be input and verified, i.e. authentication database is accessible.

Definition at line 585 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ masterPasswordSame()

bool QgsAuthManager::masterPasswordSame ( const QString &  password) const

Check whether supplied password is the same as the one already set.

passwordPassword to verify

Definition at line 592 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ masterPasswordVerified

void QgsAuthManager::masterPasswordVerified ( bool  verified)

Emitted when a password has been verify (or not)

verifiedThe state of password's verification

◆ messageLog

void QgsAuthManager::messageLog ( const QString &  message,
const QString &  tag = QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG,
Qgis::MessageLevel  level = Qgis::MessageLevel::Info 
) const

Custom logging signal to relay to console output and QgsMessageLog.

messageMessage to send
tagAssociated tag (title)
levelMessage log level
See also
QGIS 3.40

◆ messageOut

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsAuthManager::messageOut ( const QString &  message,
const QString &  tag = QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG,
QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel  level = QgsAuthManager::INFO 
) const

Custom logging signal to relay to console output and QgsMessageLog.

messageMessage to send
tagAssociated tag (title)
levelMessage log level
See also
QGIS 3.40. Use messageLog() instead.

◆ methodConfigTableName()

const QString QgsAuthManager::methodConfigTableName ( ) const

Returns the database table from the first ready storage that stores authentication configs, or an empty string if none available.

The table is prefixed with schema and escaped if necessary.

QGIS 3.40

Definition at line 126 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ passwordHelperDelete()

bool QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperDelete ( )

Delete master password from wallet.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 3233 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ passwordHelperEnabled()

bool QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperEnabled ( )

Password helper enabled getter.

Available in Python bindings since QGIS 3.8.0

Definition at line 3346 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ passwordHelperErrorMessage()

const QString QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperErrorMessage ( )

Error message getter.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 721 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ passwordHelperFailure

void QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperFailure ( )

Signals emitted on password helper failure, mainly used in the tests to exit main application loop.

◆ passwordHelperLoggingEnabled()

bool QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperLoggingEnabled ( )

Password helper logging enabled getter.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 3363 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ passwordHelperMessageLog

void QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperMessageLog ( const QString &  message,
const QString &  tag = QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG,
Qgis::MessageLevel  level = Qgis::MessageLevel::Info 

Custom logging signal to inform the user about master password <-> password manager interactions.

messageMessage to send
tagAssociated tag (title)
levelMessage log level
See also
QGIS 3.40

◆ passwordHelperMessageOut

Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperMessageOut ( const QString &  message,
const QString &  tag = QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG,
QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel  level = QgsAuthManager::INFO 

Custom logging signal to inform the user about master password <-> password manager interactions.

messageMessage to send
tagAssociated tag (title)
levelMessage log level
See also
QGIS 3.40. Use passwordHelperMessageLog() instead.

◆ passwordHelperSuccess

void QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperSuccess ( )

Signals emitted on password helper success, mainly used in the tests to exit main application loop.

◆ passwordHelperSync()

bool QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperSync ( )

Store the password manager into the wallet.

Available in Python bindings since QGIS 3.8.0

Definition at line 3065 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ rebuildCaCertsCache()

bool QgsAuthManager::rebuildCaCertsCache ( )

Rebuild certificate authority cache.

Definition at line 2738 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ rebuildCertTrustCache()

bool QgsAuthManager::rebuildCertTrustCache ( )

Rebuild certificate authority cache.

Definition at line 2930 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ rebuildIgnoredSslErrorCache()

bool QgsAuthManager::rebuildIgnoredSslErrorCache ( )

Rebuild ignoredSSL error cache.

Definition at line 2433 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ rebuildTrustedCaCertsCache()

bool QgsAuthManager::rebuildTrustedCaCertsCache ( )

Rebuild trusted certificate authorities cache.

Definition at line 3046 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ registerCoreAuthMethods()

bool QgsAuthManager::registerCoreAuthMethods ( )

Instantiate and register existing C++ core authentication methods from plugins.

Definition at line 771 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeAllAuthenticationConfigs()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeAllAuthenticationConfigs ( )

Clear all authentication configs from table in database and from provider caches.

Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1419 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeAuthenticationConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeAuthenticationConfig ( const QString &  authcfg)

Remove an authentication config in the database.

authcfgAssociated authentication config id
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1258 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeAuthSetting()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeAuthSetting ( const QString &  key)

Remove an authentication setting.

Definition at line 1769 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeCertAuthority()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeCertAuthority ( const QSslCertificate &  cert)

Remove a certificate authority.

Definition at line 2608 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeCertIdentity()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeCertIdentity ( const QString &  id)

Remove a certificate identity.

Definition at line 2062 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeCertTrustPolicies()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeCertTrustPolicies ( const QList< QSslCertificate > &  certs)

Remove a group certificate authorities.

Definition at line 2819 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeCertTrustPolicy()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeCertTrustPolicy ( const QSslCertificate &  cert)

Remove a certificate authority.

Definition at line 2838 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ removeSslCertCustomConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::removeSslCertCustomConfig ( const QString &  id,
const QString &  hostport 

Remove an SSL certificate custom config.

Definition at line 2287 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ resetMasterPassword()

bool QgsAuthManager::resetMasterPassword ( const QString &  newpass,
const QString &  oldpass,
bool  keepbackup,
QString *  backuppath = nullptr 

Reset the master password to a new one, then re-encrypt all previous configs in a new database file, optionally backup current database.

newpassNew master password to replace existing
oldpassCurrent master password to replace existing
keepbackupWhether to keep the generated backup of current database
backuppathWhere the backup is located, if kept

Definition at line 599 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ scheduledAuthDatabaseErase()

bool QgsAuthManager::scheduledAuthDatabaseErase ( )

Whether there is a scheduled opitonal erase of authentication database.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 243 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ setDefaultCertTrustPolicy()

bool QgsAuthManager::setDefaultCertTrustPolicy ( QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy  policy)

Sets the default certificate trust policy preferred by user.

Definition at line 2905 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ setMasterPassword() [1/2]

bool QgsAuthManager::setMasterPassword ( bool  verify = false)

Main call to initially set or continually check master password is set.

If it is not set, the user is asked for its input
verifyWhether password's hash was saved in authentication database

Definition at line 428 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ setMasterPassword() [2/2]

bool QgsAuthManager::setMasterPassword ( const QString &  password,
bool  verify = false 

Overloaded call to reset master password or set it initially without user interaction.

Only use this in trusted reset functions, unit tests or user/app setup scripts!
passwordPassword to use
verifyWhether password's hash was saved in authentication database

Definition at line 462 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ setPasswordHelperEnabled()

void QgsAuthManager::setPasswordHelperEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Password helper enabled setter.

Available in Python bindings since QGIS 3.8.0

Definition at line 3353 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ setPasswordHelperLoggingEnabled()

void QgsAuthManager::setPasswordHelperLoggingEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Password helper logging enabled setter.

not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 3370 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ setScheduledAuthDatabaseErase()

void QgsAuthManager::setScheduledAuthDatabaseErase ( bool  scheduleErase)

Schedule an optional erase of authentication database, starting when mutex is lockable.

When an erase is scheduled, any attempt to set the master password, e.g. password input dialog, is effectively canceled. For example: In a GUI app, this keeps excess password input dialogs from popping up when a user has initiated an erase, from a password input dialog, because they forgot their password. The created schedule timer will emit a request to gain access to the user, through the given application, to prompt the erase operation (e.g. via a dialog); if no access to user interaction occurs within 90 seconds, it cancels the schedule.
not available in Python bindings

Definition at line 742 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ setScheduledAuthDatabaseEraseRequestEmitted()

void QgsAuthManager::setScheduledAuthDatabaseEraseRequestEmitted ( bool  emitted)

Re-emit a signal to schedule an optional erase of authentication database.

This can be called from the slot connected to a previously emitted scheduling signal, so that the slot can ask for another emit later, if the slot noticies the current GUI processing state is not ready for interacting with the user, e.g. project is still loading
emittedSetting to false will cause signal to be emitted by the schedule timer. Setting to true will stop any emitting, but will not stop the schedule timer.

Definition at line 267 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ setup()

void QgsAuthManager::setup ( const QString &  pluginPath = QString(),
const QString &  authDatabasePath = QString() 

Sets up the authentication manager configuration.

This method does not initialize the authentication framework, instead that is deferred to lazy-initialize when required.

pluginPaththe plugin path
authDatabasePaththe authentication DB URI (or just the file path for SQLite)
See also

Definition at line 363 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ sslCertCustomConfig()

const QgsAuthConfigSslServer QgsAuthManager::sslCertCustomConfig ( const QString &  id,
const QString &  hostport 

sslCertCustomConfig get an SSL certificate custom config by id (sha hash) and hostport (host:port)

idsha hash
hostportstring host:port
a SSL certificate custom config

Definition at line 2138 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ sslCertCustomConfigByHost()

const QgsAuthConfigSslServer QgsAuthManager::sslCertCustomConfigByHost ( const QString &  hostport)

sslCertCustomConfigByHost get an SSL certificate custom config by hostport (host:port)

a SSL certificate custom config

Definition at line 2180 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ sslCertCustomConfigs()

const QList< QgsAuthConfigSslServer > QgsAuthManager::sslCertCustomConfigs ( )

sslCertCustomConfigs get SSL certificate custom configs

list of SSL certificate custom config

Definition at line 2216 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeAuthenticationConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeAuthenticationConfig ( QgsAuthMethodConfig mconfig,
bool  overwrite = false 

Store an authentication config in the database.

mconfigAssociated authentication config id
overwriteIf set to true, pre-existing authentication configurations will be overwritten
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1042 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeAuthSetting()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeAuthSetting ( const QString &  key,
const QVariant &  value,
bool  encrypt = false 

Store an authentication setting (stored as string via QVariant( value ).toString() )

Definition at line 1659 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeCertAuthorities()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeCertAuthorities ( const QList< QSslCertificate > &  certs)

Store multiple certificate authorities.

Definition at line 2496 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeCertAuthority()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeCertAuthority ( const QSslCertificate &  cert)

Store a certificate authority.

Definition at line 2515 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeCertIdentity()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeCertIdentity ( const QSslCertificate &  cert,
const QSslKey &  key 

Store a certificate identity.

Definition at line 1830 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeCertTrustPolicy()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeCertTrustPolicy ( const QSslCertificate &  cert,
QgsAuthCertUtils::CertTrustPolicy  policy 

Store user trust value for a certificate.

Definition at line 2755 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ storeSslCertCustomConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::storeSslCertCustomConfig ( const QgsAuthConfigSslServer config)

Store an SSL certificate custom config.

Definition at line 2098 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ supportedAuthMethodExpansions()

QgsAuthMethod::Expansions QgsAuthManager::supportedAuthMethodExpansions ( const QString &  authcfg)

Gets supported authentication method expansion(s), e.g.

NetworkRequest | DataSourceURI, as flags


Definition at line 1027 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ systemRootCAs()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::systemRootCAs ( )

systemRootCAs get root system certificate authorities

list of certificate authorities

Definition at line 2650 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ trustedCaCerts()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::trustedCaCerts ( bool  includeinvalid = false)

trustedCaCerts get list of all trusted CA certificates

includeinvalidwhether invalid certs needs to be returned
list of certificates

Definition at line 2982 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ trustedCaCertsCache()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::trustedCaCertsCache ( )

trustedCaCertsCache cache of trusted certificate authorities, ready for network connections

list of certificates

Definition at line 707 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

◆ trustedCaCertsPemText()

const QByteArray QgsAuthManager::trustedCaCertsPemText ( )

trustedCaCertsPemText get concatenated string of all trusted CA certificates

bye array with all PEM encoded trusted CAs

Definition at line 3057 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ uniqueConfigId()

const QString QgsAuthManager::uniqueConfigId ( ) const

Gets a unique generated 7-character string to assign to as config id.

Definition at line 787 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ untrustedCaCerts()

const QList< QSslCertificate > QgsAuthManager::untrustedCaCerts ( QList< QSslCertificate >  trustedCAs = QList<QSslCertificate>())

untrustedCaCerts get list of untrusted certificate authorities

list of certificates

Definition at line 3018 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateAuthenticationConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateAuthenticationConfig ( const QgsAuthMethodConfig config)

Update an authentication config in the database.

configAssociated authentication config id
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1126 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateConfigAuthMethods()

void QgsAuthManager::updateConfigAuthMethods ( )

Sync the confg/authentication method cache with what is in database.

Definition at line 900 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateDataSourceUriItems()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateDataSourceUriItems ( QStringList &  connectionItems,
const QString &  authcfg,
const QString &  dataprovider = QString() 

Provider call to update a QgsDataSourceUri with an authentication config.

connectionItemsThe connection items, e.g. username=myname, of QgsDataSourceUri
authcfgAssociated authentication config id
dataproviderProvider key filter, offering logic branching in authentication method
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1603 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateIgnoredSslErrorsCache()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateIgnoredSslErrorsCache ( const QString &  shahostport,
const QList< QSslError > &  errors 

Update ignored SSL error cache with possible ignored SSL errors, using sha:host:port key.

Definition at line 2387 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateIgnoredSslErrorsCacheFromConfig()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateIgnoredSslErrorsCacheFromConfig ( const QgsAuthConfigSslServer config)

Update ignored SSL error cache with possible ignored SSL errors, using server config.

Definition at line 2356 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateNetworkProxy()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateNetworkProxy ( QNetworkProxy &  proxy,
const QString &  authcfg,
const QString &  dataprovider = QString() 

Provider call to update a QNetworkProxy with an authentication config.

proxythe QNetworkProxy
authcfgAssociated authentication config id
dataproviderProvider key filter, offering logic branching in authentication method
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1631 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateNetworkReply()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateNetworkReply ( QNetworkReply *  reply,
const QString &  authcfg,
const QString &  dataprovider = QString() 

Provider call to update a QNetworkReply with an authentication config (used to skip known SSL errors, etc.)

replyThe QNetworkReply
authcfgAssociated authentication config id
dataproviderProvider key filter, offering logic branching in authentication method
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1575 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ updateNetworkRequest()

bool QgsAuthManager::updateNetworkRequest ( QNetworkRequest &  request,
const QString &  authcfg,
const QString &  dataprovider = QString() 

Provider call to update a QNetworkRequest with an authentication config.

requestThe QNetworkRequest
authcfgAssociated authentication config id
dataproviderProvider key filter, offering logic branching in authentication method
Whether operation succeeded

Definition at line 1548 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

◆ verifyMasterPassword()

bool QgsAuthManager::verifyMasterPassword ( const QString &  compare = QString())

Verify the supplied master password against any existing hash in authentication database.

Do not emit verification signals when only comparing
comparePassword to compare against

Definition at line 489 of file qgsauthmanager.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ QgsApplication

friend class QgsApplication

Definition at line 1013 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

Member Data Documentation


const QString QgsAuthManager::AUTH_MAN_TAG = QObject::tr( "Authentication Manager" )

The display name of the Authentication Manager.

Definition at line 763 of file qgsauthmanager.h.



The display name of the password helper (platform dependent)

Definition at line 760 of file qgsauthmanager.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: