QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (9e873c7bc91)
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2 qgslayoutapputils.cpp
3 ---------------------
4 Date : October 2017
5 Copyright : (C) 2017 Nyall Dawson
6 Email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7 ***************************************************************************
8 * *
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12 * (at your option) any later version. *
13 * *
14 ***************************************************************************/
16#include "qgslayoutguiutils.h"
17#include "qgsgui.h"
21#include "qgslayoutitemshape.h"
22#include "qgslayoutmapwidget.h"
25#include "qgslayoutitemmap.h"
28#include "qgslayoutitemmarker.h"
33#include "qgslayoutitemlabel.h"
36#include "qgslayoutitemlegend.h"
39#include "qgslayoutframe.h"
40#include "qgslayoutitemhtml.h"
41#include "qgslayouthtmlwidget.h"
48#include "qgsmapcanvas.h"
49#include "qgsplot.h"
50#include "qgsfontutils.h"
62 // start by trying to find a selected map
63 QList<QgsLayoutItemMap *> mapItems;
64 referenceItem->layout()->layoutItems( mapItems );
66 QgsLayoutItemMap *targetMap = nullptr;
67 for ( QgsLayoutItemMap *map : std::as_const( mapItems ) )
68 {
69 if ( map->isSelected() )
70 {
71 return map;
72 }
73 }
75 // nope, no selection... hm, was the item drawn over a map? If so, use the topmost intersecting one
76 double largestZValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
77 for ( QgsLayoutItemMap *map : std::as_const( mapItems ) )
78 {
79 if ( map->collidesWithItem( referenceItem ) && map->zValue() > largestZValue )
80 {
81 targetMap = map;
82 largestZValue = map->zValue();
83 }
84 }
85 if ( targetMap )
86 return targetMap;
88 // ah frick it, just use the reference (or biggest!) map
89 return referenceItem->layout()->referenceMap();
96 registry->addItemGroup( QgsLayoutItemGuiGroup( QStringLiteral( "shapes" ), QObject::tr( "Shape" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddBasicShape.svg" ) ) ) );
97 registry->addItemGroup( QgsLayoutItemGuiGroup( QStringLiteral( "nodes" ), QObject::tr( "Node Item" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddNodesItem.svg" ) ) ) );
99 auto createRubberBand = ( []( QgsLayoutView *view ) -> QgsLayoutViewRubberBand * {
100 return new QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand( view );
101 } );
102 auto createEllipseBand = ( []( QgsLayoutView *view ) -> QgsLayoutViewRubberBand * {
103 return new QgsLayoutViewEllipticalRubberBand( view );
104 } );
105 auto createTriangleBand = ( []( QgsLayoutView *view ) -> QgsLayoutViewRubberBand * {
106 return new QgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand( view );
107 } );
109#if 0
110 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( new QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutItem + 1002, QStringLiteral( "test" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddLabel.svg" ) ), nullptr, createRubberBand ) );
113 // map item
115 auto mapItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutMap, QObject::tr( "Map" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddMap.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutMapWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemMap *>( item ), mapCanvas ); }, createRubberBand );
116 mapItemMetadata->setItemAddedToLayoutFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, const QVariantMap & ) {
117 QgsLayoutItemMap *map = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemMap *>( item );
118 Q_ASSERT( map );
120 //get the color for map canvas background and set map background color accordingly
121 map->setBackgroundColor( QgsProject::instance()->backgroundColor() );
123 if ( mapCanvas )
124 {
125 map->setMapRotation( mapCanvas->rotation() );
126 map->zoomToExtent( mapCanvas->mapSettings().visibleExtent() );
127 }
129 // auto assign a unique id to map items
130 QList<QgsLayoutItemMap *> mapsList;
131 if ( map->layout() )
132 map->layout()->layoutItems( mapsList );
134 int counter = mapsList.size() + 1;
135 bool existing = false;
136 while ( true )
137 {
138 existing = false;
139 for ( QgsLayoutItemMap *otherMap : std::as_const( mapsList ) )
140 {
141 if ( map == otherMap )
142 continue;
144 if ( otherMap->id() == QObject::tr( "Map %1" ).arg( counter ) )
145 {
146 existing = true;
147 break;
148 }
149 }
150 if ( existing )
151 counter++;
152 else
153 break;
154 }
155 map->setId( QObject::tr( "Map %1" ).arg( counter ) );
156 } );
157 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( mapItemMetadata.release() );
159 // picture item
161 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( new QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutPicture, QObject::tr( "Picture" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddImage.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutPictureWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemPicture *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand ) );
164 // label item
166 auto labelItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutLabel, QObject::tr( "Label" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionLabel.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutLabelWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemLabel *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand );
167 labelItemMetadata->setItemAddedToLayoutFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, const QVariantMap &properties ) {
168 QgsLayoutItemLabel *label = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemLabel *>( item );
169 Q_ASSERT( label );
171 label->setText( properties.value( QStringLiteral( "expression" ) ).toString().isEmpty() ? QObject::tr( "Lorem ipsum" ) : QStringLiteral( "[% %1 %]" ).arg( properties.value( QStringLiteral( "expression" ) ).toString() ) );
172 if ( QApplication::isRightToLeft() )
173 {
174 label->setHAlign( Qt::AlignRight );
175 }
176 QSizeF minSize = label->sizeForText();
177 QSizeF currentSize = label->rect().size();
179 //make sure label size is sufficient to fit text
180 double labelWidth = std::max( minSize.width(), currentSize.width() );
181 double labelHeight = std::max( minSize.height(), currentSize.height() );
182 label->attemptSetSceneRect( QRectF( label->pos().x(), label->pos().y(), labelWidth, labelHeight ) );
183 } );
185 labelItemMetadata->setItemDoubleClickedFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, Qgis::MouseHandlesAction action ) {
186 QgsLayoutItemLabel *label = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemLabel *>( item );
188 // size to text doesn't have any real meaning for HTML content, skip it
189 if ( label->mode() == QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml )
190 return;
192 Q_ASSERT( label );
194 switch ( action )
195 {
199 return;
203 break;
207 break;
211 break;
215 break;
219 break;
223 break;
227 break;
231 break;
232 }
234 label->adjustSizeToText( reference );
235 } );
237 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( labelItemMetadata.release() );
240 // legend item
242 auto legendItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutLegend, QObject::tr( "Legend" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddLegend.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutLegendWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemLegend *>( item ), mapCanvas ); }, createRubberBand );
243 legendItemMetadata->setItemAddedToLayoutFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, const QVariantMap & ) {
244 QgsLayoutItemLegend *legend = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemLegend *>( item );
245 Q_ASSERT( legend );
247 // try to find a good map to link the legend with by default
250 if ( QApplication::isRightToLeft() )
251 {
252 // for right-to-left locales, use an appropriate default layout
253 legend->setSymbolAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
254 legend->rstyle( Qgis::LegendComponent::Group ).setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
255 legend->rstyle( Qgis::LegendComponent::Subgroup ).setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
256 legend->rstyle( Qgis::LegendComponent::SymbolLabel ).setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
257 legend->setTitleAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
258 }
260 //set default legend font from settings
261 QgsSettings settings;
262 const QString defaultFontString = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "LayoutDesigner/defaultFont" ), QVariant(), QgsSettings::Gui ).toString();
263 if ( !defaultFontString.isEmpty() )
264 {
265 QFont font;
266 QgsFontUtils::setFontFamily( font, defaultFontString );
269 f.setFont( font );
273 f.setFont( font );
277 f.setFont( font );
281 f.setFont( font );
283 }
285 legend->updateLegend();
286 } );
288 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( legendItemMetadata.release() );
290 // scalebar item
292 auto scalebarItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutScaleBar, QObject::tr( "Scale Bar" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionScaleBar.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutScaleBarWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemScaleBar *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand );
293 scalebarItemMetadata->setItemAddedToLayoutFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, const QVariantMap & ) {
294 QgsLayoutItemScaleBar *scalebar = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemScaleBar *>( item );
295 Q_ASSERT( scalebar );
297 // try to find a good map to link the scalebar with by default
298 if ( QgsLayoutItemMap *targetMap = findSensibleDefaultLinkedMapItem( scalebar ) )
299 {
300 scalebar->setLinkedMap( targetMap );
301 scalebar->applyDefaultSize( scalebar->guessUnits() );
302 }
303 } );
305 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( scalebarItemMetadata.release() );
308 // north arrow
309 auto northArrowMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>(
310 QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutPicture, QObject::tr( "North Arrow" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/north_arrow.svg" ) ),
311 [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * {
312 return new QgsLayoutPictureWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemPicture *>( item ) );
313 },
314 createRubberBand
315 );
316 northArrowMetadata->setItemCreationFunction( []( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
317 // count how many existing north arrows are already in layout
318 QList<QgsLayoutItemPicture *> pictureItems;
319 layout->layoutItems( pictureItems );
320 int northArrowCount = 0;
322 QgsSettings settings;
323 const QString defaultPath = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "LayoutDesigner/defaultNorthArrow" ), QStringLiteral( ":/images/north_arrows/layout_default_north_arrow.svg" ), QgsSettings::Gui ).toString();
325 for ( QgsLayoutItemPicture *p : std::as_const( pictureItems ) )
326 {
327 // look for pictures which use the default north arrow svg
328 if ( p->picturePath() == defaultPath )
329 northArrowCount++;
330 }
332 auto picture = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemPicture>( layout );
333 picture->setNorthMode( QgsLayoutItemPicture::GridNorth );
334 picture->setPicturePath( defaultPath );
335 // set an id by default, so that north arrows are discernible in layout item lists
336 picture->setId( northArrowCount > 0 ? QObject::tr( "North Arrow %1" ).arg( northArrowCount + 1 ) : QObject::tr( "North Arrow" ) );
337 return picture.release();
338 } );
339 northArrowMetadata->setItemAddedToLayoutFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, const QVariantMap & ) {
340 QgsLayoutItemPicture *picture = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemPicture *>( item );
341 Q_ASSERT( picture );
343 QList<QgsLayoutItemMap *> mapItems;
344 picture->layout()->layoutItems( mapItems );
346 // try to find a good map to link the north arrow with by default
347 picture->setLinkedMap( findSensibleDefaultLinkedMapItem( picture ) );
348 } );
349 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( northArrowMetadata.release() );
351 // shape items
353 auto createShapeWidget =
354 []( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * {
355 return new QgsLayoutShapeWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemShape *>( item ) );
356 };
358 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( new QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutShape, QObject::tr( "Rectangle" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddBasicRectangle.svg" ) ), createShapeWidget, createRubberBand, QStringLiteral( "shapes" ), false, QgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadata::Flags(), []( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
359 auto shape = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemShape>( layout );
360 shape->setShapeType( QgsLayoutItemShape::Rectangle );
361 return shape.release();
362 } ) );
363 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( new QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutShape, QObject::tr( "Ellipse" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddBasicCircle.svg" ) ), createShapeWidget, createEllipseBand, QStringLiteral( "shapes" ), false, QgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadata::Flags(), []( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
364 auto shape = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemShape>( layout );
365 shape->setShapeType( QgsLayoutItemShape::Ellipse );
366 return shape.release();
367 } ) );
368 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( new QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutShape, QObject::tr( "Triangle" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddBasicTriangle.svg" ) ), createShapeWidget, createTriangleBand, QStringLiteral( "shapes" ), false, QgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadata::Flags(), []( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
369 auto shape = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemShape>( layout );
370 shape->setShapeType( QgsLayoutItemShape::Triangle );
371 return shape.release();
372 } ) );
374 // marker
375 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( new QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutMarker, QObject::tr( "Marker" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddMarker.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutMarkerWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemMarker *>( item ) ); }, nullptr ) );
377 // arrow
378 auto arrowMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>(
379 QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutPolyline, QObject::tr( "Arrow" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddArrow.svg" ) ),
380 [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * {
381 return new QgsLayoutPolylineWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemPolyline *>( item ) );
382 },
383 createRubberBand, QString(), true
384 );
385 arrowMetadata->setItemCreationFunction( []( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
386 auto arrow = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemPolyline>( layout );
387 arrow->setEndMarker( QgsLayoutItemPolyline::ArrowHead );
388 return arrow.release();
389 } );
390 arrowMetadata->setNodeRubberBandCreationFunction( []( QgsLayoutView * ) -> QGraphicsItemGroup * {
391 auto band = std::make_unique<QGraphicsItemGroup>();
392 QGraphicsPathItem *poly = new QGraphicsPathItem( band.get() );
393 poly->setPen( QPen( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 200 ) ), 0 ) );
395 QGraphicsPathItem *tempPoly = new QGraphicsPathItem( band.get() );
396 tempPoly->setPen( QPen( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 200 ) ), 0, Qt::DotLine ) );
398 band->setZValue( QgsLayout::ZViewTool );
399 return band.release();
400 } );
401 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( arrowMetadata.release() );
403 // node items
405 auto polygonMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>(
406 QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutPolygon, QObject::tr( "Polygon" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddPolygon.svg" ) ),
407 [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * {
408 return new QgsLayoutPolygonWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemPolygon *>( item ) );
409 },
410 createRubberBand, QStringLiteral( "nodes" ), true
411 );
412 polygonMetadata->setNodeRubberBandCreationFunction( []( QgsLayoutView * ) -> QGraphicsItemGroup * {
413 auto band = std::make_unique<QGraphicsItemGroup>();
414 QGraphicsPolygonItem *poly = new QGraphicsPolygonItem( band.get() );
415 poly->setBrush( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 20 ) ) );
416 poly->setPen( QPen( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 200 ) ), 0 ) );
418 QGraphicsPolygonItem *tempPoly = new QGraphicsPolygonItem( band.get() );
419 tempPoly->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
420 tempPoly->setPen( QPen( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 200 ) ), 0, Qt::DotLine ) );
422 band->setZValue( QgsLayout::ZViewTool );
423 return band.release();
424 } );
425 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( polygonMetadata.release() );
427 auto polylineMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>(
428 QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutPolyline, QObject::tr( "Polyline" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddPolyline.svg" ) ),
429 [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * {
430 return new QgsLayoutPolylineWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemPolyline *>( item ) );
431 },
432 createRubberBand, QStringLiteral( "nodes" ), true
433 );
434 polylineMetadata->setNodeRubberBandCreationFunction( []( QgsLayoutView * ) -> QGraphicsItemGroup * {
435 auto band = std::make_unique<QGraphicsItemGroup>();
436 QGraphicsPathItem *poly = new QGraphicsPathItem( band.get() );
437 poly->setPen( QPen( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 200 ) ), 0 ) );
439 QGraphicsPathItem *tempPoly = new QGraphicsPathItem( band.get() );
440 tempPoly->setPen( QPen( QBrush( QColor( 227, 22, 22, 200 ) ), 0, Qt::DotLine ) );
442 band->setZValue( QgsLayout::ZViewTool );
443 return band.release();
444 } );
445 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( polylineMetadata.release() );
448 // html item
450 auto htmlItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutHtml, QObject::tr( "HTML" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddHtml.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutHtmlWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutFrame *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand );
451 htmlItemMetadata->setItemCreationFunction( [=]( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
452 auto htmlMultiFrame = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemHtml>( layout );
453 QgsLayoutItemHtml *html = htmlMultiFrame.get();
454 layout->addMultiFrame( htmlMultiFrame.release() );
455 auto frame = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutFrame>( layout, html );
456 QgsLayoutFrame *f = frame.get();
457 html->addFrame( frame.release() );
458 // cppcheck-suppress returnDanglingLifetime
459 return f;
460 } );
461 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( htmlItemMetadata.release() );
463 // attribute table item
465 auto attributeTableItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutAttributeTable, QObject::tr( "Attribute Table" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddTable.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutAttributeTableWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutFrame *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand );
466 attributeTableItemMetadata->setItemCreationFunction( [=]( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
467 auto tableMultiFrame = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemAttributeTable>( layout );
468 QgsLayoutItemAttributeTable *table = tableMultiFrame.get();
470 //set first vector layer from layer registry as table source
471 QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layerMap = layout->project()->mapLayers();
472 for ( auto it = layerMap.constBegin(); it != layerMap.constEnd(); ++it )
473 {
474 if ( QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( it.value() ) )
475 {
476 table->setVectorLayer( vl );
477 break;
478 }
479 }
481 //set default table fonts from settings
482 QgsSettings settings;
483 const QString defaultFontString = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "LayoutDesigner/defaultFont" ), QVariant(), QgsSettings::Gui ).toString();
484 if ( !defaultFontString.isEmpty() )
485 {
486 QgsTextFormat format;
487 QFont f = format.font();
488 QgsFontUtils::setFontFamily( f, defaultFontString );
489 format.setFont( f );
490 tableMultiFrame->setContentTextFormat( format );
491 f.setBold( true );
492 format.setFont( f );
493 tableMultiFrame->setHeaderTextFormat( format );
494 }
496 layout->addMultiFrame( tableMultiFrame.release() );
497 auto frame = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutFrame>( layout, table );
498 QgsLayoutFrame *f = frame.get();
499 table->addFrame( frame.release() );
500 // cppcheck-suppress returnDanglingLifetime
501 return f;
502 } );
503 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( attributeTableItemMetadata.release() );
505 // manual table item
507 auto manualTableItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutManualTable, QObject::tr( "Fixed Table" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddManualTable.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutManualTableWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutFrame *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand );
508 manualTableItemMetadata->setItemCreationFunction( [=]( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
509 auto tableMultiFrame = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemManualTable>( layout );
510 QgsLayoutItemManualTable *table = tableMultiFrame.get();
512 // initially start with a 2x2 empty table
513 QgsTableContents contents;
514 contents << ( QgsTableRow() << QgsTableCell() << QgsTableCell() );
515 contents << ( QgsTableRow() << QgsTableCell() << QgsTableCell() );
516 table->setTableContents( contents );
518 //set default table fonts from settings
519 QgsSettings settings;
520 const QString defaultFontString = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "LayoutDesigner/defaultFont" ), QVariant(), QgsSettings::Gui ).toString();
521 if ( !defaultFontString.isEmpty() )
522 {
523 QgsTextFormat format;
524 QFont f = format.font();
525 QgsFontUtils::setFontFamily( f, defaultFontString );
526 format.setFont( f );
527 tableMultiFrame->setContentTextFormat( format );
528 f.setBold( true );
529 format.setFont( f );
530 tableMultiFrame->setHeaderTextFormat( format );
531 }
533 layout->addMultiFrame( tableMultiFrame.release() );
535 auto frame = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutFrame>( layout, table );
536 QgsLayoutFrame *f = frame.get();
537 table->addFrame( frame.release() );
538 // cppcheck-suppress returnDanglingLifetime
539 return f;
540 } );
541 manualTableItemMetadata->setItemDoubleClickedFunction( [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item, Qgis::MouseHandlesAction ) {
542 QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::openTableDesigner( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutFrame *>( item ) );
543 } );
544 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( manualTableItemMetadata.release() );
547 // elevation profile item
549 auto elevationProfileItemMetadata = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutElevationProfile, QObject::tr( "Elevation Profile" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionElevationProfile.svg" ) ), [=]( QgsLayoutItem *item ) -> QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget * { return new QgsLayoutElevationProfileWidget( qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile *>( item ) ); }, createRubberBand );
550 elevationProfileItemMetadata->setItemCreationFunction( [=]( QgsLayout *layout ) -> QgsLayoutItem * {
551 auto profileItem = std::make_unique<QgsLayoutItemElevationProfile>( layout );
553 //set default fonts from settings
554 QgsSettings settings;
555 const QString defaultFontString = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "LayoutDesigner/defaultFont" ), QVariant(), QgsSettings::Gui ).toString();
556 if ( !defaultFontString.isEmpty() )
557 {
558 QgsTextFormat format = profileItem->plot()->xAxis().textFormat();
559 QFont f = format.font();
560 QgsFontUtils::setFontFamily( f, defaultFontString );
561 format.setFont( f );
562 profileItem->plot()->xAxis().setTextFormat( format );
564 format = profileItem->plot()->yAxis().textFormat();
565 f = format.font();
566 QgsFontUtils::setFontFamily( f, defaultFontString );
567 format.setFont( f );
568 profileItem->plot()->yAxis().setTextFormat( format );
569 }
570 return profileItem.release();
571 } );
572 registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( elevationProfileItemMetadata.release() );
@ Group
Legend group title.
@ Subgroup
Legend subgroup title.
@ Title
Legend title.
@ SymbolLabel
Symbol label (excluding icon)
Action to be performed by the mouse handles.
Definition qgis.h:5781
@ ResizeRightDown
Resize right down (Bottom right handle)
@ SelectItem
Select item.
@ ResizeLeftUp
Resize left up (Top left handle)
@ ResizeLeftDown
Resize left down (Bottom left handle)
@ ResizeRight
Resize right (Right handle)
@ ResizeDown
Resize down (Bottom handle)
@ ResizeRightUp
Resize right up (Top right handle)
@ ResizeLeft
Resize left (Left handle)
@ ResizeUp
Resize up (Top handle)
static QIcon getThemeIcon(const QString &name, const QColor &fillColor=QColor(), const QColor &strokeColor=QColor())
Helper to get a theme icon.
static void setFontFamily(QFont &font, const QString &family)
Sets the family for a font object.
static QgsLayoutItemGuiRegistry * layoutItemGuiRegistry()
Returns the global layout item GUI registry, used for registering the GUI behavior of layout items.
Definition qgsgui.cpp:140
A widget for configuring layout attribute table items.
A widget for layout elevation profile item settings.
Base class for frame items, which form a layout multiframe item.
static void registerGuiForKnownItemTypes(QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas)
Registers the GUI handlers for known layout item types.
A widget for configuring layout html items.
A layout table subclass that displays attributes from a vector layer.
void setVectorLayer(QgsVectorLayer *layer)
Sets the vector layer from which to display feature attributes.
A base class for property widgets for layout items.
Stores GUI metadata about a group of layout item classes.
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to handle layout item GUI behavior.
Registry of available layout item GUI behavior.
bool addItemGroup(const QgsLayoutItemGuiGroup &group)
Registers a new item group with the registry.
bool addLayoutItemGuiMetadata(QgsLayoutItemAbstractGuiMetadata *metadata)
Registers the gui metadata for a new layout item type.
A layout multiframe subclass for HTML content.
A layout item subclass for text labels.
Mode mode() const
Returns the label's current mode.
void setHAlign(Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
Sets the horizontal alignment of the label.
QSizeF sizeForText() const
Returns the required item size (in layout units) for the label's text to fill the item.
void setText(const QString &text)
Sets the label's preset text.
void adjustSizeToText()
Resizes the item so that the label's text fits to the item.
@ ModeHtml
Label displays rendered HTML content.
A layout item subclass for map legends.
QgsLegendStyle & rstyle(Qgis::LegendComponent s)
Returns reference to modifiable legend style.
void updateLegend()
Updates the model and all legend entries.
void setLinkedMap(QgsLayoutItemMap *map)
Sets the map to associate with the legend.
void setSymbolAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
Sets the alignment for placement of legend symbols.
void setTitleAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
Sets the alignment of the legend title.
A layout table subclass that displays manually entered (and formatted) content.
void setTableContents(const QgsTableContents &contents)
Sets the contents of the table.
Layout graphical items for displaying a map.
void zoomToExtent(const QgsRectangle &extent)
Zooms the map so that the specified extent is fully visible within the map item.
void setMapRotation(double rotation)
Sets the rotation for the map - this does not affect the layout item shape, only the way the map is d...
A layout item subclass that displays SVG files or raster format images (jpg, png, ....
void setLinkedMap(QgsLayoutItemMap *map)
Sets the map object for rotation.
@ GridNorth
Align to grid north.
@ ArrowHead
Show arrow marker.
@ LayoutManualTable
Manual (fixed) table.
@ LayoutElevationProfile
Elevation profile item.
@ LayoutAttributeTable
Attribute table.
@ LayoutPolyline
Polyline shape item.
@ LayoutItem
Base class for items.
@ LayoutHtml
Html multiframe item.
@ LayoutPolygon
Polygon shape item.
A layout item subclass for scale bars.
void setLinkedMap(QgsLayoutItemMap *map)
Sets the map item linked to the scalebar.
Qgis::DistanceUnit guessUnits() const
Attempts to guess the most reasonable unit choice for the scalebar, given the current linked map's sc...
void applyDefaultSize(Qgis::DistanceUnit units=Qgis::DistanceUnit::Meters)
Applies the default size to the scale bar (scale bar 1/5 of map item width)
@ Ellipse
Ellipse shape.
@ Rectangle
Rectangle shape.
@ Triangle
Triangle shape.
Base class for graphical items within a QgsLayout.
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color)
Sets the background color for this item.
Fixed position reference point.
@ LowerMiddle
Lower center of item.
@ MiddleLeft
Middle left of item.
@ UpperRight
Upper right corner of item.
@ LowerLeft
Lower left corner of item.
@ UpperLeft
Upper left corner of item.
@ UpperMiddle
Upper center of item.
@ MiddleRight
Middle right of item.
@ LowerRight
Lower right corner of item.
virtual void setId(const QString &id)
Set the item's id name.
void attemptSetSceneRect(const QRectF &rect, bool includesFrame=false)
Attempts to update the item's position and size to match the passed rect in layout coordinates.
A widget for layout item settings.
A widget for configuring layout manual table items.
static void openTableDesigner(QgsLayoutFrame *frame, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Creates and open the table editor dialog.
Input widget for the configuration of QgsLayoutItemMap.
A widget for configuring layout shape items.
virtual void addFrame(QgsLayoutFrame *frame, bool recalcFrameSizes=true)
Adds a frame to the multiframe.
const QgsLayout * layout() const
Returns the layout the object is attached to.
A widget for configuring layout picture items.
Input widget for QgsLayoutItemPolygon.
Input widget for QgsLayoutItemPolyline.
A widget to define the properties of a QgsLayoutItemScaleBar.
A widget for configuring layout shape items.
QgsLayoutViewEllipseRubberBand is elliptical rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets.
QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand is rectangular rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets.
QgsLayoutViewRubberBand is an abstract base class for temporary rubber band items in various shapes,...
QgsLayoutViewTriangleRubberBand is triangular rubber band for use within QgsLayoutView widgets.
A graphical widget to display and interact with QgsLayouts.
Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc.
Definition qgslayout.h:49
void layoutItems(QList< T * > &itemList) const
Returns a list of layout items of a specific type.
Definition qgslayout.h:120
void addMultiFrame(QgsLayoutMultiFrame *multiFrame)
Adds a multiFrame to the layout.
QgsLayoutItemMap * referenceMap() const
Returns the map item which will be used to generate corresponding world files when the layout is expo...
@ ZViewTool
Z-value for temporary view tool items.
Definition qgslayout.h:63
QgsProject * project() const
The project associated with the layout.
void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment)
Sets the alignment for the legend component.
QgsTextFormat & textFormat()
Returns the text format used for rendering this legend component.
void setTextFormat(const QgsTextFormat &format)
Sets the text format used for rendering this legend component.
Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas.
double rotation() const
Gets the current map canvas rotation in clockwise degrees.
const QgsMapSettings & mapSettings() const
Gets access to properties used for map rendering.
QgsRectangle visibleExtent() const
Returns the actual extent derived from requested extent that takes output image size into account.
static QgsProject * instance()
Returns the QgsProject singleton instance.
QMap< QString, QgsMapLayer * > mapLayers(const bool validOnly=false) const
Returns a map of all registered layers by layer ID.
This class is a composition of two QSettings instances:
Definition qgssettings.h:64
QVariant value(const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), Section section=NoSection) const
Returns the value for setting key.
Encapsulates the contents and formatting of a single table cell.
Container for all settings relating to text rendering.
void setFont(const QFont &font)
Sets the font used for rendering text.
QFont font() const
Returns the font used for rendering text.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.
QgsLayoutItemMap * findSensibleDefaultLinkedMapItem(QgsLayoutItem *referenceItem)
Attempts to find the best guess at a map item to link referenceItem to, by:
QVector< QgsTableRow > QgsTableContents
A set of table rows.
QVector< QgsTableCell > QgsTableRow
A row of table cells.