19#include "moc_qgslayoutmanualtablewidget.cpp"
32QPointer<QgsTableEditorDialog> QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::sEditorDialog =
41 connect( mSetContentsButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::setTableContents );
42 connect( mMarginSpinBox,
static_cast<void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )(
double )
>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mMarginSpinBox_valueChanged );
43 connect( mGridStrokeWidthSpinBox,
static_cast<void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )(
double )
>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mGridStrokeWidthSpinBox_valueChanged );
45 connect( mBackgroundColorButton, &
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mBackgroundColorButton_colorChanged );
46 connect( mDrawHorizontalGrid, &QCheckBox::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mDrawHorizontalGrid_toggled );
47 connect( mDrawVerticalGrid, &QCheckBox::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mDrawVerticalGrid_toggled );
48 connect( mShowGridGroupCheckBox, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mShowGridGroupCheckBox_toggled );
49 connect( mHeaderHAlignmentComboBox,
static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )(
int )
>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mHeaderHAlignmentComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
50 connect( mHeaderModeComboBox,
static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )(
int )
>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mHeaderModeComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
51 connect( mAddFramePushButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mAddFramePushButton_clicked );
52 connect( mResizeModeComboBox,
static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )(
int )
>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mResizeModeComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
53 connect( mDrawEmptyCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mDrawEmptyCheckBox_toggled );
54 connect( mEmptyFrameCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mEmptyFrameCheckBox_toggled );
55 connect( mHideEmptyBgCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mHideEmptyBgCheckBox_toggled );
56 connect( mWrapBehaviorComboBox,
static_cast<void ( QComboBox::* )(
int )
>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mWrapBehaviorComboBox_currentIndexChanged );
57 connect( mAdvancedCustomizationButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mAdvancedCustomizationButton_clicked );
63 mContentFontToolButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator(
this );
64 mHeaderFontToolButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator(
this );
66 blockAllSignals(
true );
84 mGridColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr(
"Select Grid Color" ) );
85 mGridColorButton->setAllowOpacity(
true );
86 mGridColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral(
"composer" ) );
87 mGridColorButton->setDefaultColor( Qt::black );
88 mBackgroundColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr(
"Select Background Color" ) );
89 mBackgroundColorButton->setAllowOpacity(
true );
90 mBackgroundColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral(
"composer" ) );
91 mBackgroundColorButton->setShowNoColor(
true );
92 mBackgroundColorButton->setNoColorString( tr(
"No Background" ) );
106 mainLayout->addWidget( mItemPropertiesWidget );
109 connect( mHeaderFontToolButton, &
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::headerFontChanged );
110 connect( mContentFontToolButton, &
this, &QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::contentFontChanged );
115 if ( mItemPropertiesWidget )
125 context = mFrame->createExpressionContext();
127 context = mTable->createExpressionContext();
129 auto cellScope = std::make_unique<QgsExpressionContextScope>();
130 cellScope->setVariable( QStringLiteral(
"row_number" ), 1,
true );
131 cellScope->setVariable( QStringLiteral(
"column_number" ), 1,
true );
156 if ( sEditorDialog && sEditorDialog->table() != mTable )
158 sEditorDialog->close();
161 mTable = qobject_cast<QgsLayoutItemManualTable *>( multiFrame );
163 mItemPropertiesWidget->
setItem( frame );
186 if ( sEditorDialog->table() == table )
189 sEditorDialog->show();
190 sEditorDialog->raise();
193 sEditorDialog->setWindowState( parent->windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized );
195 sEditorDialog->activateWindow();
199 sEditorDialog->close();
203 sEditorDialog->setTable( table );
205 connect( frame, &QgsLayoutFrame::destroyed, sEditorDialog, &QMainWindow::close );
206 auto updateName = [frame] { sEditorDialog->setWindowTitle( QString(
"%1 - %2 " ).arg( sEditorDialog->tr(
"Table Designer" ) ).arg( frame->
displayName() ) ); };
211 connect( parent, &QWidget::destroyed, sEditorDialog, &QMainWindow::close );
217 const QVariantList headerText = sEditorDialog->tableHeaders();
218 if ( sEditorDialog->includeTableHeader() )
221 for (
const QVariant &h : headerText )
229 QList<double> rowHeights;
230 rowHeights.reserve( rowCount );
231 for (
int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row )
233 rowHeights << sEditorDialog->tableRowHeight( row );
239 const int columnCount = table->
tableContents().at( 0 ).size();
240 QList<double> columnWidths;
241 columnWidths.reserve( columnCount );
242 for (
int col = 0; col < columnCount; ++col )
244 columnWidths << sEditorDialog->tableColumnWidth( col );
257 sEditorDialog->show();
260void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::setTableContents()
265void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mMarginSpinBox_valueChanged(
double d )
273 mTable->setCellMargin( d );
274 mTable->endCommand();
277void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::contentFontChanged()
284 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Table Font" ) );
285 mTable->setContentTextFormat( mContentFontToolButton->textFormat() );
286 mTable->endCommand();
289void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mGridStrokeWidthSpinBox_valueChanged(
double d )
297 mTable->setGridStrokeWidth( d );
298 mTable->endCommand();
301void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mGridColorButton_colorChanged(
const QColor &newColor )
309 mTable->setGridColor( newColor );
310 mTable->endCommand();
313void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mDrawHorizontalGrid_toggled(
bool state )
320 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Toggle Table Grid" ) );
321 mTable->setHorizontalGrid( state );
322 mTable->endCommand();
325void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mDrawVerticalGrid_toggled(
bool state )
332 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Toggled Table Grid" ) );
333 mTable->setVerticalGrid( state );
334 mTable->endCommand();
337void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mShowGridGroupCheckBox_toggled(
bool state )
344 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Toggle Table Grid" ) );
345 mTable->setShowGrid( state );
346 mTable->endCommand();
349void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mHeaderHAlignmentComboBox_currentIndexChanged(
int )
356 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Table Alignment" ) );
358 mTable->endCommand();
361void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mHeaderModeComboBox_currentIndexChanged(
int )
368 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Table Header Mode" ) );
370 mTable->endCommand();
373void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mBackgroundColorButton_colorChanged(
const QColor &newColor )
381 mTable->setBackgroundColor( newColor );
382 mTable->endCommand();
385void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::headerFontChanged()
390 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Table Font" ) );
391 mTable->setHeaderTextFormat( mHeaderFontToolButton->textFormat() );
392 mTable->endCommand();
395void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::updateGuiElements()
397 if ( !mTable || !mFrame )
402 blockAllSignals(
true );
404 mMarginSpinBox->setValue( mTable->cellMargin() );
405 mGridStrokeWidthSpinBox->setValue( mTable->gridStrokeWidth() );
406 mGridColorButton->setColor( mTable->gridColor() );
407 mDrawHorizontalGrid->setChecked( mTable->horizontalGrid() );
408 mDrawVerticalGrid->setChecked( mTable->verticalGrid() );
409 if ( mTable->showGrid() )
411 mShowGridGroupCheckBox->setChecked(
true );
415 mShowGridGroupCheckBox->setChecked(
false );
417 mBackgroundColorButton->setColor( mTable->backgroundColor() );
419 mHeaderFontToolButton->setTextFormat( mTable->headerTextFormat() );
420 mContentFontToolButton->setTextFormat( mTable->contentTextFormat() );
422 mDrawEmptyCheckBox->setChecked( mTable->showEmptyRows() );
423 mWrapBehaviorComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mWrapBehaviorComboBox->findData( mTable->wrapBehavior() ) );
425 mResizeModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mResizeModeComboBox->findData( mTable->resizeMode() ) );
428 mHeaderHAlignmentComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mHeaderHAlignmentComboBox->findData( mTable->headerHAlignment() ) );
429 mHeaderModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mHeaderModeComboBox->findData( mTable->headerMode() ) );
431 mEmptyFrameCheckBox->setChecked( mFrame->hidePageIfEmpty() );
432 mHideEmptyBgCheckBox->setChecked( mFrame->hideBackgroundIfEmpty() );
434 blockAllSignals(
false );
437void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::blockAllSignals(
bool b )
439 mMarginSpinBox->blockSignals( b );
440 mGridColorButton->blockSignals( b );
441 mGridStrokeWidthSpinBox->blockSignals( b );
442 mBackgroundColorButton->blockSignals( b );
443 mDrawHorizontalGrid->blockSignals( b );
444 mDrawVerticalGrid->blockSignals( b );
445 mShowGridGroupCheckBox->blockSignals( b );
446 mResizeModeComboBox->blockSignals( b );
447 mEmptyFrameCheckBox->blockSignals( b );
448 mHideEmptyBgCheckBox->blockSignals( b );
449 mDrawEmptyCheckBox->blockSignals( b );
450 mWrapBehaviorComboBox->blockSignals( b );
451 mContentFontToolButton->blockSignals( b );
452 mHeaderHAlignmentComboBox->blockSignals( b );
453 mHeaderModeComboBox->blockSignals( b );
454 mHeaderFontToolButton->blockSignals( b );
457void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mEmptyFrameCheckBox_toggled(
bool checked )
464 mFrame->beginCommand( tr(
"Toggle Empty Frame Mode" ) );
465 mFrame->setHidePageIfEmpty( checked );
466 mFrame->endCommand();
469void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mHideEmptyBgCheckBox_toggled(
bool checked )
476 mFrame->beginCommand( tr(
"Toggle Background Display" ) );
477 mFrame->setHideBackgroundIfEmpty( checked );
478 mFrame->endCommand();
481void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mAddFramePushButton_clicked()
483 if ( !mTable || !mFrame )
489 QPointF pos = mFrame->pos();
491 pos.ry() += mFrame->rect().height() + 10;
493 QgsLayoutFrame *newFrame = mTable->createNewFrame( mFrame, pos, mFrame->rect().size() );
494 mTable->recalculateFrameSizes();
497 if (
QgsLayout *layout = mTable->layout() )
499 layout->setSelectedItem( newFrame );
503void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mResizeModeComboBox_currentIndexChanged(
int index )
510 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Resize Mode" ) );
512 mTable->endCommand();
517void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mWrapBehaviorComboBox_currentIndexChanged(
int index )
524 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Table Wrap Mode" ) );
526 mTable->endCommand();
529void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mAdvancedCustomizationButton_clicked()
541void QgsLayoutManualTableWidget::mDrawEmptyCheckBox_toggled(
bool checked )
548 mTable->beginCommand( tr(
"Change Show Empty Rows" ) );
549 mTable->setShowEmptyRows( checked );
550 mTable->endCommand();
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
void appendScope(QgsExpressionContextScope *scope)
Appends a scope to the end of the context.
void setHighlightedVariables(const QStringList &variableNames)
Sets the list of variable names within the context intended to be highlighted to the user.
Base class for frame items, which form a layout multiframe item.
QgsLayoutMultiFrame * multiFrame() const
Returns the parent multiframe for the frame.
QString displayName() const override
Gets item display name.
A layout table subclass that displays manually entered (and formatted) content.
void setColumnWidths(const QList< double > &widths)
Sets the list of column widths (in millimeters) to use when rendering the table.
void setIncludeTableHeader(bool included)
Sets whether the table includes a header row.
void setHeaders(const QgsLayoutTableColumns &headers)
Replaces the headers in the table with a specified list of QgsLayoutTableColumns.
void setTableContents(const QgsTableContents &contents)
Sets the contents of the table.
void setRowHeights(const QList< double > &heights)
Sets the list of row heights (in millimeters) to use when rendering the table.
QgsTableContents tableContents() const
Returns the contents of the table.
@ LayoutManualTable
Manual (fixed) table.
Base class for graphical items within a QgsLayout.
Abstract base class for layout items with the ability to distribute the content to several frames (Qg...
virtual int type() const =0
Returns unique multiframe type id.
Specifies the behavior for creating new frames to fit the multiframe's content.
@ UseExistingFrames
Don't automatically create new frames, just use existing frames.
@ ExtendToNextPage
Creates new full page frames on the following page(s) until the entire multiframe content is visible.
void endCommand()
Completes the current item command and push it onto the layout's undo stack.
void beginCommand(const QString &commandText, UndoCommand command=UndoNone)
Starts new undo command for this item.
@ UndoTableBackgroundColor
Table background color.
@ UndoTableGridStrokeWidth
Table grid stroke width.
@ UndoTableGridColor
Table grid color.
@ UndoTableMargin
Table margins.
void changed()
Emitted when the object's properties change.
A dialog for customization of the cell background colors for a QgsLayoutTable.
Stores properties of a column for a QgsLayoutTable.
Controls where headers are shown in the table.
@ FirstFrame
Header shown on first frame only.
@ AllFrames
Headers shown on all frames.
@ NoHeaders
No headers shown for table.
Controls how long strings in the table are handled.
@ WrapText
Text which doesn't fit inside the cell is wrapped. Note that this only applies to text in columns wit...
@ TruncateText
Text which doesn't fit inside the cell is truncated.
Controls how headers are horizontally aligned in a table.
@ HeaderRight
Align headers right.
@ HeaderLeft
Align headers left.
@ HeaderCenter
Align headers to center.
@ FollowColumn
Header uses the same alignment as the column.
Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc.
Interface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports.
A reusable window for editing simple spreadsheet-style tables.
void includeHeaderChanged(bool included)
Emitted whenever the "include table header" setting is changed.
void tableChanged()
Emitted whenever the table contents are changed.
QVector< QgsLayoutTableColumn > QgsLayoutTableColumns
List of column definitions for a QgsLayoutTable.